Parents and Caregivers
We welcome all parents and caregivers
What we can help with
We are passionate about supporting anyone who is parenting and caring for loved ones of any age.
You might be looking for support because your loved one is struggling with their emotional or mental health.
We can support you if your loved one is experiencing:
feeling and reacting to emotions in a powerful way - also known as super-feelers, who feel more deeply and intensely
low mood and depression
general anxiety and stress
severe anxiety
health-related anxiety
obsessional and compulsive thoughts and behaviours
difficulties coping and adjusting to life events and transitions
difficulties related to eating
sleep difficulties
difficulty limiting screen time
difficulties attending school
explosive anger
refusing to take medication or doing activities which could harm their physical or mental health
bullying (being bullied or bullying others)
transitions in life that are bringing up big feelings, like changing schools or puberty, moving from education into work, end of a relationship
Maybe your family’s struggles don’t fall into the above categories. For example:
maybe you have a teenager you are struggling to connect with,
or you are unsure how to respond to your child’s more aggressive behaviours,
or you are finding it difficult to know how to talk to your child(ren) about your divorce or other significant life events,
or your child is struggling to make friends,
or you think your child needs support but they are struggling to acknowledge that they do, or engage with professional support themselves.
The above lists are by no means exhaustive. If you or your loved one is struggling with other concerns, please complete the Enquiry Form and we can consider together if we are a good fit for you.
Even if your child is not currently struggling but you are worried about the future, we can help you develop skills to keep in your back pocket ready for a tricky time or transition
What we believe in
Parents DO NOT cause mental health and behaviour difficulties
It is far more complex than that
You are the best support your loved one will ever have
Even if you feel hopeless, helpless, or disempowered at this point
You should be included in the mental health support for your loved one
Regardless of their age and level of mental health severity
Your loved one needs YOU
Even when they say that they don’t
You can gain the skills needed to support your loved one
And we can show you how
Caregiving is an exhausting role and it is imperative to avoid or reduce caregiver burnout
We don’t want you to do more – but differently
What we can offer you
Our support for parents and caregivers can come in the form of:
A 2-day Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) workshop
Intensive support for caregivers